LUPC Permits
Mike maintains an active practice appearing before the Land Use Planning Commission (LUPC) representing forest products companies, wind energy and large landowners. On behalf of clients, he takes a wide range of matters before LURC staff and commissioners and advises clients with respect to LURC rulemaking and Legislative oversight.
Mike also consults on, advises clients and obtains building permits (BP), development permits (DP), rezoning petitions (ZP), subdivision permits (SP), service drop permits (SD), and utility line extensions (UTL), forestry operation permits (FOP), and advisory rulings (AR). He defends clients in enforcement cases and has negotiated a number of highly successful settlements.
Mike meets regularly with members of the Legislature's Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee on matters of LUPC regulation and oversight. He meets regularly with LUPC staff and attends all Commission meetings. In the past, he has been appointed by the Governor to the 2010 CLUP Working Group.
Mike has obtained the following LUPC permits for projects within the jurisdiction, including two "firsts": the first rezoning for development under the 2010 Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) and the first Level 2 Subdivision for 15 lot subdivision in Rockwood Strip.
- ULP 417-B - Obtained a two mile utility line extension permit. LUPC had previously denied a similar application.
- ZP 705 – Obtained LUPC permit for the rezoning of 46 acres from M-GN, P-GP, P-WL3, and P-WL1 to D-RS for a residential subdivision in T3R1 NBPP.
- ZP 706 – Obtained LUPC permit for the rezoning of 71 acres from M-GN and P-GP to D-RS for a residential subdivision in T3R1 NBPP.
- ZP 721 – Obtained LUPC permit for the rezoning within Rangeley Prospective Plan for a 13-acre border patrol station in Dallas Plantation.
- ZP 728 – Obtained LUPC permit for the rezoning of 34.08 acres from M-GN and P-GP to D-RS for two residential subdivisions on Wytopitlock Lake in Glenwood Plantation. This was the first rezoning for development under the 2010 Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP).
- SP 3090-G – Obtained LUPC permit for a three lot residential subdivision in Rangeley Plantation.
- SP 4052 – Obtained the first LUPC permit for a Level 2 Subdivision for 15 lot subdivision in Rockwood Strip.
- SP 4082 – Obtained LUPC permit for a 12 lot residential subdivision in T3R1 NBPP.
- SP 4083 – Obtained LUPC permit for a 17 lot residential subdivision in T3R1 NBPP.
- SP 4090 – Obtained LUPC permit for 7 lot residential subdivision in Glenwood Plantation.
- SP 4091 - Obtained LUPC permit for 6 lot residential subdivision in Glenwood Plantation.
- DP 4131-L – Obtained LUPC permit for 24 condominium units, 42 timeshare units, new trails, ski lift, snow making infrastructure, water withdrawal and surface water monitoring in Sandy River Plantation and Dallas Plantation.
- DP 4131-K – Obtained LUPC permit for 22 house lots, snow-making infrastructure and buildings, ski lifts and trails, roads and transient parking areas, electric utility lines, water storage building, access roads, and subsurface wastewater disposal systems in Sandy River Plantation and Dallas Plantation.
- DP 4807 – Obtained LUPC development permit for temporary U.S. Border Patrol Station in Dallas Plantation.
- DP 4807-A and DP 4807-B – Obtained LUPC development permit for permanent U.S. Border Patrol Station in Dallas Plantation.
- BP 14159 – Obtained LUPC permit to allow tear down and reconstruction of non-conforming (Section 10.11) camp in Dallas Plantation.
- BP 14525 - Obtained LUPC permit for a Yurt platform in the shoreland zone on Moosehead Lake within 1329 feet of Eagle's Nest regulated under the Bald Eagle-Golden Eagle Protection act administered by US Fish and Wildlife Service.