Representative Matters
- New England Inspection v. Casco Bay Steel, No. CV-20-41, 2020 WL 8019777 (Me. Super. Ct September 11, 2020).
- Sotiropoulos v. Foreside House of Pizza, CV-19-252, slip op. (Me. Sup. Ct., Cum. Cty., Sep. 27, 2019).
- Lincoln v. Burbank, 2016 ME 138, 147 A.3d 1165
- Bordetsky v. JAK Realty Trust, 2017 ME 42, 157 A.3d 233
- Estate of Barron v. Shapiro & Morley, et al., 2017 ME 51, 157 A.3d 769
- In re Blackstone Financial Holdings, LLC, 573 B.R. 1 (D. Me. Bankr. 2017)
- Defense of regional bank against $1 million claims alleging fraudulent lending practices
- Defense of national lender and mortgage servicer against claims for violation of federal mortgage servicing guidelines
- Representation of Maine business to obtain declaration of ownership to waterfront property rights
- Representation of national mortgage servicer against claims for unfair trade practices
- Representation of loan investor to establish ownership of mortgage