New ventures face many challenges on the path to success, some of them legal in nature. Preti Flaherty’s Emerging Businesses group has worked on behalf of hundreds of northern New England’s finest entrepreneurial minds, serving as a strategic partner from the very beginning. We work with our clients to successfully launch their business from a strong legal foundation, raise capital, establish employment agreements, protect intellectual property, navigate tax and licensing matters, and tackle any other legal challenges that may arise along the way. Our legal services for emerging companies and entrepreneurs include:

  • Formation consultation to determine correct type of legal entity and tax treatment
  • Positioning for raising capital through angel investors, venture capitalists, or other means
  • Ensuring all investment is done in compliance with state and federal securities law
  • Evaluating debt financing options including venture capital and traditional bank financing
  • Securing, maintaining, exploiting, and enforcing intellectual property rights and assets
  • Employee compensation plans, from initial stages to equity compensation and stock plans
  • Negotiating commercial lease space

Innovative legal planning to grow your business

Working with a lead attorney from our Business Group, our emerging business clients benefit from a collaborative approach tailored to their unique business needs. We represent companies and entrepreneurs across the full spectrum of industries and from every stage of growth, offering legal counsel from a business perspective to ensure their success. From intellectual property and labor and employment to tax, litigation, regulatory issues and beyond, we provide clients with the tools, information, and foundation necessary to make solid business decisions and gain a valuable edge.