Attorney Jason Howe Named MEREDA Public Policy Committee Co-Chair
Preti Flaherty attorney and co-chair of the firm's Real Estate and Finance Practice Group Jason Howe has been named co-chair of the Maine Real Estate & Development Association's Public Policy Committee.
MEREDA’s active Public Policy Committee meets regularly during each legislative session, reviewing pending bills and regulations, identifying those of interest to the membership, and working to ensure the real estate industry’s concerns are considered. The committee works to influence and shape the final form of proposed laws and regulations, and initiates new ones when circumstances warrant.
MEREDA’s Public Policy Committee Chair Paul Peck said, “Jason has been a valuable member of MEREDA’s Public Policy Committee. He brings a strong and diverse background on a variety of development matters to the committee. We look forward to working and collaborating with him on behalf of MEREDA’s members on the various legislative and regulatory issues that the committee addresses.”