
Kenneth E. Rubinstein to present AGC of MA Building Endurance Series Webinar

May 28, 2020 at 12:00pm1:15pm

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new risks and challenges that will affect construction projects for years to come. The standard AIA A201-2017 is not built to hand a risk like COVID-19. While most contractors are used to reviewing and revising AIA contracts to address typical risks, there are additional changes that contractors should consider to minimize COVID-19 related risks in new contracts. In this AGC of MA webinar, Kenneth E. Rubinstein will present:

  • Recommended edits to the AIA A201-2017 contract
  • Rationale behind the recommended changes
  • Written materials containing and explaining the suggested edits.

For more information, or to register for this program, visit the AGC of MA website.